Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Science Fiction/Spider Story

   I am going to write about a science fiction story. This story is going to be about giant spiders. One day Phil was in his house playing with his spider. He loved his spider he loved his spider so much that he named it. Its name was rocky. He named it rocky because it looked like a big round rock. Phil always left his spider in his room freely never in tank. He doesn’t like to treat his spider like an animal. His mom called him down for dinner. He left his spider on his bed and went down to eat. They had some pretty good enchiladas and beans. Phil had a little brother only about a year younger than him. But his brother was terrified of spiders so he never went around his room because he knew that it was always free.

   Phil went back upstairs to hang out with rocky. He went into his room and locked the door so he wouldn’t be disturbed by anybody. He called out rocky and the spider came out from under the bed. Rocky was a very intelligent spider. It was a tarantula. Phil lay down on his bed and the spider climbed up the side of the bed. Rocky got onto Phil’s arm and bit him. But the weird thing was that Phil didn’t mind. 5 minutes later Phil started to get dizzy and he passed out. He woke up 10 minutes later. He was startled and confused everything around him was big and large. He saw Rocky in front of him. Rocky was the same size as him. He moved towards him he felt eight legs moving. He had turned into a spider.

   Phil was amazed on what had happened he was also excited because know he knew what his spider felt like. Then all of the sudden Phil heard someone speak it was coming from Rocky. Rocky was talking to Phil now that he was also a spider they could now communicate. Rocky had a pretty deep voice for a spider. The first thing that Rocky told Phil was to turn him human. Phil told rocky that that was impossible. Rocky responded by saying that if it was possible for him to turn into a spider then it was possible for Rocky to turn into a human. Phil asked Rocky why he wanted to be human and if he didn’t like his spider life. Rocky said that he did like his spider life but that he would rather be human to spend more time with Phil as regular human. Phil didn’t know what to say so he just told Rocky to just spend some time as spiders. Rocky agreed with Phil.

   Phil and rocky went up to the attic to see if they could meet any new spider friends. Phil’s family hardly ever goes up there. There should be a lot little spider up there. It took them a while to get up there but they finally made it up there. It was pretty dark so they turn on their night vision senses. They could see a bunch of webs all over the place. Then all of the sudden they saw a bunch of little spider crawl towards them. Rocky was about to great them until a giant black widow came down and screamed that they weren’t welcome in their attic. Rocky asked why not. The giant spider said because they weren’t one of them and that he was a fake. Rocky was about to respond on what she had said. She interrupted him by telling them to leave or that she would kill them. Phil said that they were just looking for friends. The black widow just jumped at them and it bit Rocky. Phil tore off one of the widow’s legs off and rescued Rocky. They got out of the attic as fast as they could Phil carried Rocky back to his room. By the time Phil got there Rocky was already gone. Phil was sad and mad about what happened he felt guilty. Phil went back up to the attic to try to confront the widow. He was up there and he couldn’t see anybody then out of nowhere the landed in front of him. It pulled out its fangs and bit him on his back. Right when that happened, Phil woke up at the hospital and he looked at his arm and there it was the big swollen bit mark from Rocky. It was only a dream.