Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Final Essay

   This is my final writing assignment for my summer school class. I am glad to finally get on break but I am also going to miss this class. I learned a lot from this class and I also got meet some new people. Also it even brought old friendships closer together. What I really liked about this class is that I got express myself in my writing. Another reason is because Mr. Leh showed us what’s going on in the world right now. If it wasn’t for this class I probably wouldn’t know much about what’s going on out there. If I was at home during the beginning of this summer I wouldn’t know how serious the oil spill is and its really destroying the environment in the Gulf. When he showed our class the videos of what’s going on out there it made me want to do something about it. I got that feeling because it’s not fair to the animals or anybody. The greedy oil company just wants money and after the problem happens they just run away. They absolutely have no responsibility. Wild life and people are suffering because of the oil companies mistakes. Another interesting video that Mr. Leh showed us was one about the sun. The video said that the sun is going through a solar storm. When I heard that then I really started listening. The broadcaster in the video said that there might a good chance that the solar storm would hit the earth. I really wasn’t worried about that because we are protected by the earth’s magnetic field. But the broadcaster said that it would knock out all of our satellites. Now that’s a big problem and I wouldn’t of had known that if it wasn’t for summer school.

   This class has really helped me figure out who I really am and what I need to do with my life. I learned that I really need to work hard in school to have a good life. I especially need to work hard on my education because I am an immigrant. My family and I are relying on the dream act. The dream act is especially for immigrants. It says that if you graduate than you have a good chance to go to college. Also the best thing about it is that you can gain legal residency. That’s why parents are always pushing me to do well in school and that this is my chance to succeed in life. I don’t want to let them down and I want to make them proud. My goal for now is to graduate and maybe go to college if I get the opportunity. I would like to go to college but I don’t think we would be able to afford it. But now I am just trying to get through high school and just hoping for the best. Thank you Mr. Leh for showing me and everyone else what’s really going on out there. I have learned a lot about you and I really hope I have you for English 11 next year.